2021年 新年のご挨拶









Niki Museum Gallery


Happy New Year everyone.

What kind of New Year did you spend?

In 2020,people all over the world spent unexpected days.

When the COVID-19 spread around the world in last spring, we wanted people who were unable to go out due to lockdown, medical professionals and other people who were working hard on the front line to see Niki’s works and get well so that’s why we posted pictures of her works on Instagram entitled “An Exhibition 5 times a week”.

We think it was very valuable to have a lot of feedback and to be connected with Niki’s fans all over the world .

It was also a year when we were encouraged by her works again.

How would they have talked about the situation in this world if they were alive?

We pray that things return to normal and peace will come as soon as possible. And we hope for day to come that Yoko collection will be unveiled somewhere in the world.

 Niki Museum Gallery